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[New Resource] — Becoming a Teacher for the Next Generation

[New Resource] — Becoming a Teacher for the Next Generation

One of the most common questions prospective teachers ask themselves is a variation of the following: "how much education do I need to become a teacher? Why is a master's degree in education the recommended path?" 

Today, we’re announcing a resource that explores how and why the field of education is changing, whether you need a master's degree to be a teacher, and what prospective educators can do to offer high-quality education for the needs of the next generation.

Do I Need a Master's Degree to Be a Teacher?

It helps to ask yourself a few questions when deciding between a teaching credential and a master's degree with teaching credential(s). What kind of educator do you want to be? Are you interested in being a mentor and example for your students? Do you want to know how to run an inclusive classroom?

Want to learn more about how to prepare for your teaching career? Check out our  complete guide–Teachers for the Next Generation: Getting a Future-Focused  Master's in Education

If you are a prospective educator who thinks about your teaching work in terms of leadership and social change, the necessity for support, training, and your own personal formation becomes more clear. In order to lead the global classroom, you need and deserve an education that trains you to think deeply about the philosophy and psychology of education, community, and social inequality. The global classroom is one where students and teachers are aware of their responsibility to humanity and in society, and cognizant of cultural differences.

If the role of a teacher is to shape and guide the next generation, our teachers need to have context and insight beyond just the courses required to earn a teaching certification. This explains why close to 60% of America’s teachers have their master’s degree.

Teachers for the Next Generation: Getting a Future-Focused Master's in Education

Here at the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego, we focus on preparing leaders and innovators, people who want to elevate their classrooms in the context of 21st century challenges and opportunities.

Now, we have a resource that explores what is changing in the field of education and why you need great preparation in order to be the inspiring teacher you want to be.

In this resource, Teachers for the Next Generation: Getting a Future-Focused Master's in Education, you get:

  • Insights about how teachers can help shape the future of society
  • Information about 21st century trends in education
  • Advice about becoming a teacher for the global classroom
  • Exploration of USD SOLES unique emphasis on social justice in education settings

Wondering If You Need a Master's to Succeed as a Teacher? Download This Guide Today

All schools are deeply formative places that shape the values, awareness, and worldview of the children that pass through their halls. This formation happens primarily in the classroom, where their teachers offer them an education, but also an example of what it means to be an adult and a citizen. It is up to teachers to act with maturity, kindness, passion, and authority. It is also up to teachers to create equitable and socially conscious environments in their classrooms and across the campus.

That's why we've prepared this resource, Teachers for the Next Generation: Getting a Future-Focused Master's in Education.

 Download our latest resource today and begin to explore whether a master's degree in education will help you become the kind of teacher who can help lead the next generation.

Get the Guide


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